
Thanks for joining Patrick for a Winning Screentime workshop!

 Below you'll find all of the resources and links mentioned in the presentations and workshops.

The Truth About Screentime

Patrick's Favorite Screentime Resources

App-solutely Appropriate: Evaluating Apps, Games and Media

Search for reviews of media apps and games at Common Sense Media

Make your own copy of the App Request Form to use with your family 

Let’s talk about Sexting and Pornography

Thorn for Parents - discussion prompts and scripts

Culture Reframed - parenting courses, scripts and facts on pornography

Fight the New Drug  - conversation scripts and facts on pornography

Apple's "Check for Sensitive Photos" parent control setting

Book: Behind Their Screens, What Teens are Facing and Adults are Missing. by Emily Weinstein and Carrie James

Book: Growing Up in Public by Devorah Heitner

Dr. Gail Dines EXPLICITLY describes the content of mainstream hardcore pornography at the 10-minute mark of this video. 

Amy Lang's Resources Page with lots of Books. And Amy Lang's Porn Talk Scripts 

Common Sense Media's report on Teens and Pornography

Mentoring and Modeling: Raising Digital Citizens

March Media Mentorship Month Board Game

Ready, Set, Smartphone: Launch Your Child Successfully With Their First Phone

Consider a personal Phone Launch Audit with Patrick

Have your child learn about phone ownership cost with the Phone Research Assignment

Make your own copy of the App Request Form to use with your family 

See the links for Family Media Agreements (phone contracts) in the Strong Foundations session below

Smartphone Relationship Reboot

Book: Untethered by Sini Ninkovic

Book: How to Break-up with Your Phone by Catherine Price

Strategies collected from (and shared with) HS students

Social Media, Gaming and Mental Health

Child Mind Institute

Book: Moral Combat by by Patrick M. Markey and Christopher J. Ferguson 

Social Media is a Major Cause of the Mental Illness Epidemic in Teen Girls. Here’s the Evidence. by Jon Haidt

Pew Research on Teens and Social Media 2022

Strong Foundations: Rules and Boundaries Parents of MS Students Wish They Would Have Started Earlier

Create your own Family Media Agreement (phone contract) or modify one of these:

Control Your Scroll: Breaking Bad Digital Habits

This is a follow-up advisory lesson for HS Students who participated in Patrick's "Who is Controlling Your Scrolling?" presentation. Teachers can create their own copy of this advisory lesson plan by going to this link.